Mental Gym — Responsibilities
Muscles and weight lifting capabilities of person develop when you start increasing the weight lifting/ load bearing capability of your body.
Now, while physical capability is required to navigate in day to day physical activities, an often ignored area is Mental Gymnastics.
Why ?
As we grow in our career and in personal life, our areas of operations also widens. For example, in starting of your career, you only have to take care about your own performance. However, when you grow, you are also responsible for your Team, your colleagues and eventually your organization. Similarly in life, when you are single, its only about you. When you are married, a lot of new responsibilities add up.
Mind has its own limits, and its limits can expand.
If the load bearning capacity of Mind does not grow, along with the workload, it will result in Stress and indecisions. Sometimes I feel every WhatsApp message I get is a task onto itself, and I am loaded with hundreds of task which are outside my work / personal area, just to help others.
How ?
“Voluntary Responsibility” is the key to increase mental strength. The more responsibility you take, the bigger you grow mentally.
For Example, when I was in my college final year, we came up with an idea of organizing an Annual Festival. There was no culture to organize these event as it was a very small place situated in outskirts of town. Gathering hundreds of people in event is a big job. Getting sponsorship is again a challenging task. However, we took it. Result was, lot of people got together, we got to meet like minded people, there were conflicts and we resolved. There were crisis and we resolved.
Now, these skills are very valuable which you can experience only if you take “Responsibilities”. There are some people who don’t like to indulge in ‘human interactions’ at all, resulting in lot of chaos while dealing in a team as well.
One of the Top Civil Servant told us once “If you fail to work in a Team, you will keep reducing your work efficiency as you grow”. It has such a deep meaning.
There are some who just take a small responsibility in their life and keep cribbing about hardships of life..
Next..Help others, increase mental lifting capacity
When we realize that the more responsibility you take, the more you are needed by people, the more helpful you are, the more relevant you become, the more you use your mind, the wider its paths open.
Consciousness expands when you grow your circle, when you help others. Responsibilities also brings you more power, indirectly. Taking time out of your busy schedule to help others and simultaneously completing your work sitting late increases chances of successful life.
Take up an unexpected responsibility for any one near you, take up responsibility of environment, help struggling juniors, share your experience with newly joined colleagues, collaborate with people who need your expertise, help people reach their goals and in the end take responsibility of 140 crore Indian when you are in Government Service, and see the inner transformation !!