Don’t waste your Life !
As great people say, you have a limited time. Don’t waste it living someone else’s way and spend in sleeping !
At any stage of life, don’t stop contributing. If you are in a company, start training your juniors taking out some time from your work. Teach! make people learn. Ignite a spark into someone else’s life.
Do something new !
Don’t waste time in implementing what you know! Learn and read something daily. This will ensure the protection of your reputation. Don’t just rely on only one source of income at a time. Have new ideas and start implementing the same. Remember, investment in knowledge gives the best returns. Hence upgrade yourself continuously.
Save money for your future. Have a standard approach to investing and saving the fixed deposits. Remember, if you are a good business men, you will be a good investor.
Live some offline moments. Speak to people. Listen them out. Make eye contact and learn about their lives.! This will enhance your relationships and make you richer.
Fitness of mind is as important as fitness as body. Do regular Yoga and train your mind to remain calm in the particular situations.